Call Me Maybe
sweet owner

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hello peeps ! welcome to superb blog. replace your own image :D



basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: SitiSyuhadah
Re-Edited By: Your Name
Others: ? ? ?


template has changed , its look great ahaa?
hahahha , okay . lets start it overrrr ;)
people change just like weather , from shiny to cloudy :3
alkisahhhh ~
lelaki memang susah nak describe , tak kira la pasal ape . tapi memang susahh . SERIOUS , tak caye try lah .. okay ive meet many handsome guys , but this one such a different , i dunno lah what is 'different sangat , but yeahhh im fallin love with him .
hahaha , yess die yang confess dulu , tim tu first time kiteorang otp . walawehhhh :p
comel lah sangat ~
dekat pun ade orang tahu pasal hazim , macam mana lah die tahu 2nd blog aku , hadoi masaalahnyee -__-'
takpelaaahhhh , tapi aini memang terbaik , aku cerite asal hazim langsung die tak cerite kat sape2 ,azman? yeahhh die engan perempuan tu sangat sweet tapi , realationship dorang tak lame :/ banyak sangat problem , tak dapek den nak tolonggg .hmmh :)
haris is my superrrrrb boy-friend , fit ponnn nak jugakkk :))
they just soo triple AWESOMEEE :3
selamat menyambut awal muharam , semoga dipanjangkan umur tahun ni :) yoohooo dah form 4 kot :)
okayyyy , blog ni tak edit habis lagi , so nak sambung edit then i'll be right back ith new post .. bilakaaah/ -.-

sometimes ;

yuhuwww ,
dh lama gila tak update :)
woah , first from April-May

April ;)
okay , fit time tu jumpe hana . owhh touch gila
kalau boleh nangis kat situ jugak nak jerit jerit :D
okay , Hana Natasya  Bt. Hisham
kau memang maintain dngn style slumber kau tu :3
haha , and  YOU GOSH PRETTYY HOT =)

4 April .
who know itt , my happiest day ever .
okay bangun bangun tidur dah dpt suprise pastu pergi skola
"happy Birthday Aqilah"
dapat hadiah comel comel :) *thanks guys *
 paling best bila kat kelas teacher riza
semu nyanyi birthday song kuat kuat ,
yang ni TOUCH habis ah :',)

 teacher riza mmg HOT do . haha

25 May

 malam smalam tu , buat present for tec.Riza
hahaha , dia mcm pil yg duo colour tu .
bukak buang srebuk ubat kat dalam tu ,
and then gunting kertas kecik , tulis some charming words
pastu gulung gulung letak kat dalm pil tuh ,
hhaaha .
gila pelik en :pp

pastu time majlis hari guru sumpa besttt gila !!
perfomance hothot . suara tak boleh seda lagi .
omg :)

haha , thats all for this time .
happy holiday guyss :)

~write this while listening to Greyson chance-waiting u outside the line ^^v

welcome 2012 !!

yeyyy yeyyy bye2 2011 welcome 2012 !!
wiehhii . skenyee .
yela dh abis dh rpnye jdi seniour ptg , lps ni nk nghdap seniour pagi .
gila CUAK !
kan kan kan .
hihh .
aslla cpt bebenor nih haa ?
okaylah tahuni ni gila best .
thanks he 2011 ko mmg best .
bnyk bnde dh aku bljr .
bkn kat skolah jer .
bljr psl org tu org ni ..
macm2 lah ..
and thun ni .
kwn paling best aku .

Hazirah Noordin ;)
nurul Aini .
Syafiekah fakarrurradzi
Afina Ashraf
Nur Izzaty .
Aida .

llki .
korg ingt aku ni Drk sngt ke ?

ramaiile . aduhh .


anyway , for this all great friends
thanks for being my friend ..
korng la kwn pling best aku pnh ade .
hope next year pon :))


Peace (Y)
of coz la PMR aku nk score .
8A tlg please come to mama xD
haha .
tngklah mcm mne

aduh . ramai la . tak muat .
soryla yg tak disebut .
aku kwn x semestinya nk kne ske kan .
mmg la aku ske kwn dngn diaorang .
asl baik :DD

Bye ..
good luck for 2012 !
go babehh ! face it :))